Dreams are interesting for people from the time of immemorial. A person spends one third of their life sleeping, a quarter of that time is inhabited by Dreams. So is the fact that they have always excited mankind with uniqueness and difficult to capture essences. Less than 6 hours of sleep reduces the intellectual level of 20-30%, scientists have calculated. Their conclusion is that we have to go to bed on time.

Freitag, 12. Februar 2010

What impact flowers have on Dreams

Sleep with flowers in your bedroom, if you want sweet dreams, scientists recommend, cited by Air Force.

Volunteers who participated in the experiment were allowed to sleep in the room with roses, and later admitted that they experienced pleasant emotions in their dreams. The smell of rotten eggs had did exactly the opposite effect and does not sound particularly surprising.

It is possible that odors can make their dreams more pleasant, believes Prof. Boris Glass and his team from University Hospital in Mannheim.

Scientists waited until the experiment participants entered the phase of REM sleep when most dreams occur, then in 10 seconds they put forward a strong dose of sweet air and a minute later they woke up.

Then the volunteers were questioned about their dreams and how t...[ More ]

More: DreamsFlowersREM

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