Dreams are interesting for people from the time of immemorial. A person spends one third of their life sleeping, a quarter of that time is inhabited by Dreams. So is the fact that they have always excited mankind with uniqueness and difficult to capture essences. Less than 6 hours of sleep reduces the intellectual level of 20-30%, scientists have calculated. Their conclusion is that we have to go to bed on time.

Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010

Does poor sleep have influence on the psyche?

Mental disorders such as depression and Parkinson's disease for example, adversely affect the development of sleep. Use of medicinal ingredients, drugs and alcohol in large quantities also disturb sleep.

Types of insomnia
- Primary insomnia is when a person experiences difficulty in sleeping, which are generally caused by a very high concern or fear.

- Central sleep characterized by frequent awakening during the night leading the main problem being able to stay asleep.

- Final sleep characterized by early morning awakening is often accompanied by depressive symptoms.

Is there a connection with violations in mental health and Insomnia?

When one is trying to make up missed sleep, they are acting upon a vacuum in the clock. The sleep at night is aimed at fin...[ More ]

More: SleepPoor SleepMental disordersDepressionParkinson's diseaseInsomniaPrimary InsomniaAwakening

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