Dreams are interesting for people from the time of immemorial. A person spends one third of their life sleeping, a quarter of that time is inhabited by Dreams. So is the fact that they have always excited mankind with uniqueness and difficult to capture essences. Less than 6 hours of sleep reduces the intellectual level of 20-30%, scientists have calculated. Their conclusion is that we have to go to bed on time.

Montag, 24. Mai 2010

Tips for sound sleep

A healthy and relaxed sleep depends on the lifestyle of the day, especially in the evening and in particular the following factors:

a) Chew
For a peaceful sleep it is important that we eat during the day and when and how we eat especially at night. Dinner must be between 17 and 18 hours to allow food to settle to 22 hours in order to sleep peacefully. After 17-18 hours the functions of the stomach and all organs reduce and fade away. In any event, the dinner should be 3- 4 hours before bedtime hours.

Assuming you eat your food later, much of it will remain undigested and then you will have contamination of toxins which result in the food being postponed as fat.

b) quality of food

The great importance to a peaceful sleep is what we eat in the evening...[ More ]

More: InsomniaSound sleepSleep Tips

What can we do with conscious dreams?

As you probably already guessed, flying is a very popular activity in conscious dreaming. Since dreams are realized as real, you can imagine how you would feel if you really did fly through the clouds, how the wind waved in your hair and how your stomach shrinks from that strange feeling of excitement when you fly up high like Superman. And the strange thing is that you can really experience all these amazing feelings when you actually laying in bed with your eyes closed.

Unbelievable that one can feel that of what you can not even normally experience in ones daily lives. So although the dream realized in nature is only a dream because, there is no external event in the world in which we live, the sensations you can experience using dreams realized are very true and complete.

Breathing under ...[ More ]

More: FlyingNightmaresTelepathyConscious dreamingDeceased relativesTeleportation

Several hypotheses about why we dream

Why do mankind "lose" 1 / 3 of their life sleeping? And why did people dream? At this point science has long sought an explanation, there was (and today there are) different assumptions, and opinions within the scientific community that continue to disagree.

Hypothesis:№ 1: To remember
In the past people were convinced that the night divides the soul with the body, achieved temporary freedom and made trips. Where is in a carefree childhood, worrying about yesterday's cloudless day or the future, it will be necessarily for these emotions to communicate through dreams.

Hypothesis № 2: Do you manage to wake up
Scientists have long thought that in the day people accumulate specific substances (conventionally called "sleep factors") that cause brain fatigue. According to this view during the dreams...[ More ]

More: DreamsDesiresDream explanationHypothesesFreud