Dreams are interesting for people from the time of immemorial. A person spends one third of their life sleeping, a quarter of that time is inhabited by Dreams. So is the fact that they have always excited mankind with uniqueness and difficult to capture essences. Less than 6 hours of sleep reduces the intellectual level of 20-30%, scientists have calculated. Their conclusion is that we have to go to bed on time.

Mittwoch, 3. November 2010

Etretat in France

Etretat is a magnetic natural site, located in northern France. This beautiful place in Normandy can be reached by bus or car from the city of Le Havre, which is located about 32 km from there. The coastline is located west of Dieppe to the northeast of Havre.

The place where the village itself is built, Etretat, is known as the alabaster coast, which is famous for its large and high white cliffs, and beautiful natural arch. During summer the area is noisy and it becomes a bustling resort, but in winter it is more peaceful.

The beautiful natural arch is formed in the western rock called Falaise. The rock cavity is obtained under the pressure of the turbulent sea waves on soft rock, which by nature makes chalk. Another sight there is the so called Needle which can be seen if you take the special path to climb ...[ More on Etretat in France]

More: Etretat

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