Dreams are interesting for people from the time of immemorial. A person spends one third of their life sleeping, a quarter of that time is inhabited by Dreams. So is the fact that they have always excited mankind with uniqueness and difficult to capture essences. Less than 6 hours of sleep reduces the intellectual level of 20-30%, scientists have calculated. Their conclusion is that we have to go to bed on time.

Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2010

Prophetic dreams depend on the pillow

If every 7 days you change the location of your pillow, then this will help you remember your dreams.

In practice it means that one week to sleep the top end of the bed and the next to sleep at the other end so to lay your head on the pillow where your feet would had been the previous week, and vice versa.

sleeping pillow
Photo: Grad.bg

Permanent change of posture of the body helps to remember especially those dreams that are important.

Most often dreams come true the next day or up to 9 months after you have dreamed them. If you've dreamed of something during the day, there is almost no chance of it to come true. Dreams which are seen after 8 pm and before midnight, come true within two months. Those you dream between 3 and 6 am, will come true in a few weeks.

Overall, prophetic dreams are fairly rare, so we should not attach too much importance to every dream and give more time to think about the prophetic.

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