Dreams are interesting for people from the time of immemorial. A person spends one third of their life sleeping, a quarter of that time is inhabited by Dreams. So is the fact that they have always excited mankind with uniqueness and difficult to capture essences. Less than 6 hours of sleep reduces the intellectual level of 20-30%, scientists have calculated. Their conclusion is that we have to go to bed on time.

Mittwoch, 3. November 2010

Dobris Castle

Dobris Castle is an amazing and beautiful private chateau in the Czech Republic. One will remain amazed by the impressive size of the castle from its sophisticated architecture almost entirely sustained in Rococo style and warm colors, which shines in the facades. The Chateau is situated in the historic hunting area of the Bohemia area.

This area boasts a rich and intriguing history. Although it is privately owned, with one reservation everyone can have the chance to examine the Dobris Castle. If you choose to visit the castle, be sure to sit to eat lunch, and at the same time enjoy the beautiful views of its famous and picturesque gardens.

The castle is located about one hour drive from Prague. The beautiful Rococo chateau was erected in the second half of the 18th century. Until World War II Dobris was ow...[ More on Dobris Castle]

More: Bohemia

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